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Orlando Swimming Pool Builder, Affordable Construction Adds Value to Your Home

Aug 16, 2016

A beautiful in-ground pool in Central Florida is a great addition to any home. The benefits include adding significant value to your home and health, as well as valuable family time together.

ThinkstockPhotos-76731467Increase Home Value: The National Association of Realtors published a study showing building an in-ground gunite swimming pool increases a home in the Southeastern United States as much as 13 percent. Many home buyers in Florida feel a pool is a necessity!

Family Time Together: A pool creates an environment that brings family and friends together. An opportunity to bond with each other, play games, relax and just have fun together, things that can be hard to come by in our world of technology. It also makes an amazing venue for holiday gatherings, barbecues, and parties.

Health Benefits: According to Shape Magazine, swimming is a total body workout, “Swimming tackles everything from sculpting your back to toning your arms—all without having to pick up a weight. Rather than needing a plan to work specific muscles, all four strokes work to strengthen your entire body.” It is also a great way to lose a couple of pounds, “Those rumors about swimmers and calorie intake aren’t false: An hour of moderate swimming can burn around 500 calories. This revs up your metabolism, continuing the burn well after you’ve stepped off the deck.” The article sums up with maximizing your cardio, “Swimming is the ultimate aerobic activity. There is more breath control compared to running, thus an increased demand for oxygen, causing your muscles to work harder.”

Dreamscapes Pools and Spas is Central Florida’s premier pool builder, from Tampa to Brevard County, Palm Coast, New Smyrna, and Orlando. We have built our reputation on experience, quality, and unparalleled customer service. Our award winning design consultant is happy to help you achieve the backyard of your dreams.

Contact Dreamscapes Pools and Spas for a quote, we are sure our pool construction and design will exceed your expectations.


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